The knights are in town 21./22. September 67705 Trippstadt

Coming soon



For the first time ever, the city of Trippstadt is holding a Medival Market with brilliant knight torunaments. The Knights of Württemberg are giving the honour to entertain the people. Since 25 years this society is entertaining the visitors. Now they found their way do Palatinate. There will be 2 tournaments on Saturday where one is going to be a fire tournament in which not only the knights but the horses too, have to prove that they are not afraid of fire. Join at 7 pm. At 9 pm an extraordinairy fireshow will make you hold your breath and close the day. On Sunday we´re having 2 tournaments at 1 + 4 pm.

There´s an interesting program containing culture and special entertainment for kids. The program will be supported by Minstrels „Donner und Doria“, „Duo Obscurum“ laugh and sing with them. The Bard „Gotthard“ and his harp will bring soft medivial tunes. „Micha Mangiafuocco“ will risk his life trying to eat fire on a Stick whilst joking about it. Falconry of the Earl of Strzemichzny is presenting an authentic camp and lovely griffins. Who can be held and pet for pictures.

Kids can play mouseroulette, shoot Dragons, Crack´n Egg, Wheel of Fortune, draw candles to take home, test their skills in archery, turn their selfs into fairy creatures at the Make-up fairys stand, learn how to make wooden baskets at the wickerwork. Who´s feeling as brave as a real knight can join in on the kids knight tournament.

Craftsmen show their skills. Specially for this occasion the KennemerKunstGilde will find their way to show their artwork. Book- & Portraitillumination same as constructions are their speciality. Banner Art, Blacksmith, Candledrawer, Seal engravement and Garmenttailor, complete the crafty acts. Far traveled dealer with their goods like Fur, silver jewellery, gemstones, incense, met, honey, wood- and hardware, just to name a few, are trying to woo the costumers. You can see english archers at the Archery and test your own skills.

Of course booze and food should not be missed. There´s Beer, Met, Juice and „Sugar water“ for the thirsty. Fieldbakery, Langos, Bratwurst, fried Poultry pikes, Lentilsoup, Steak, Tarte and Crêpes will sort the hungry. Lots of knight camps will be happy to answer questions and welcome you to their table.

Openingtimes: Saturday Noon – 10 pm, Sunday 11 am – 7 pm

Fee: adult 10 €, kid (6-14 ) or dressed in medivial garment 5 €

Tournaments: Saturday 3 pm + 7 pm, Sunday 1 pm + 4 pm


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